Where Do Massage Therapists Get the Most Pay?

Are you considering a career as a massage therapist? Learn more about where massage therapists get paid the most and how to maximize your earnings potential.

Where Do Massage Therapists Get the Most Pay?

Are you considering a career as a massage therapist? If so, you may be wondering where you can get the most pay. The answer to this question depends on a variety of factors, including the type of massage you perform, the location you work in, and whether you are working as an employee or freelancer. Massage therapy is a rewarding profession that can help improve people's health and wellbeing. However, only a few states pay above the national average for massage therapists, so it's important to consider cost-of-living expenses when deciding where to work.

In major metropolitan areas, massage therapists can charge two or three times more than those in small towns, so it's important to research the local market before setting your rates. If you decide to work as a freelancer, you can set your own rates. However, these rates will vary depending on where you live, the type of massage you offer, and the length of the treatment. You may also be able to charge extra for services such as aromatherapy or hot stone massage.

If you travel to your clients' homes for a massage, you may be able to deduct mileage and car maintenance costs from your taxes. When comparing average salaries for massage therapists in different cities or states with the national average, it's important to take into account cost-of-living expenses. For example, a massage therapist in a rural area may make less than one in an urban area but have lower living costs. It's also important to consider other advantages of working in rural areas such as lower competition and more flexible hours.

The National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork (NCBTMB) offers board certification for professionals who want to demonstrate their dedication and experience by going beyond basic initial education requirements. When asked if their work had a beneficial influence on clients, almost all massage therapists answered yes, and that making them feel better is the most important aspect in determining job happiness. The average income of a massage therapist varies greatly depending on the state in which they work. To maximize your earnings potential as a massage therapist, it's important to research local markets and consider cost-of-living expenses when deciding where to work.

Meagan Furgerson
Meagan Furgerson

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