What is the Profession of Massage Therapy?

Massage therapy is an increasingly popular profession that offers many opportunities for those who are interested in becoming licensed massage therapists. Learn more about the requirements and opportunities available in this field.

What is the Profession of Massage Therapy?

Massage therapy is a widely accepted wellness and pain management solution within the healthcare community. It involves the use of touch to manipulate muscles and other soft tissues in the body, with the aim of relieving pain, healing injuries, improving circulation, reducing stress, and promoting relaxation and overall well-being. As more healthcare providers understand the benefits of massage, demand for this profession has grown rapidly, creating a wide range of opportunities for massage therapists. In order to become a licensed massage therapist, you must meet the requirements of your state.

In the District of Columbia and 46 states that regulate massage therapy professionals, you must complete a practical knowledge program at a licensed massage school or trade school program and pass the state licensing exam. You may also choose to obtain certification from the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork (NCBTMB), which indicates that you have achieved a level of professional knowledge and experience beyond core competencies. Once you are licensed, you can work in clinics, spas, or as an independent entrepreneur. You may even choose to apply for a business loan and take advantage of your experience in private practice to own and operate your own spa.

Alternatively, you may want to expand into a new career path. As a massage therapist, you will play an important role in injury recovery, pain management and overall well-being, as well as providing clients with much needed relaxation and stress relief procedures. Massage therapy is increasingly being incorporated into patient treatment plans by doctors, physical therapists, chiropractors and other medical professionals to address pain and specific conditions with massage modalities such as deep tissue, trigger point, neuromuscular therapy, myofascial release and other techniques. If you are considering becoming a massage therapist, it is important to understand the changing perception of this profession and all the opportunities it offers. With the right training and licensing requirements met, you can become part of this growing field and make a positive impact on people's lives.

Meagan Furgerson
Meagan Furgerson

Passionate social media aficionado. Hipster-friendly zombie maven. Friendly music maven. Incurable pop culture fanatic. Professional travel evangelist.