What Does LMT Mean in Massage Therapy?

Learn what does LMT mean in massage therapy and the differences between certified and licensed massage therapists (CMT vs LMT). Find out what it takes to become an RMT or an LMT.

What Does LMT Mean in Massage Therapy?

A medical massage therapist is a licensed professional who is authorized to treat health conditions diagnosed by a doctor. To become an LMT, or Licensed Massage Therapist, one must complete training and pass an exam in order to be licensed in their state. The requirements for licensing can vary from state to state. The terms LMT and LMP are often used interchangeably, as they both refer to a massage therapist who has been approved by the state to perform therapeutic massages.

In California, there are two levels of licensing based on the amount of formal massage training a person has received. Although the two credentials are very similar, there are some minor differences between them. It is important to understand these differences if you are considering becoming a massage therapist. In some states, people who are working towards obtaining a license may be able to call themselves CMT or CMP if they have been certified by a massage school or accrediting body.

For example, Delaware requires LMTs to have 500 hours of massage training, but offers CMT technician status for those with just 300 hours of training. The main difference between certified massage therapists and licensed massage therapists is the certification versus the licensing process. RMTs and LMTs are both types of massage therapist credentials, and both RMTs and LMTs can provide quality massage therapy to their clients. When deciding between becoming an RMT or an LMT, it is important to research different massage therapy programs in your area.

Bachelor's degrees are not required for RMTs or LMTs, but both types of massage therapists must complete training programs and education in the classroom. According to Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals, 42 states have an official licensing or certification procedure for massage professionals. Massage therapists can be divided into three categories: certified massage therapists (CMT), licensed massage therapists (LMT), and certified massage therapists (CMP). They usually spend a significant amount of time standing while performing their duties and use their physical strength to use massage techniques on their clients.

Massage therapists are trained professionals who use massage techniques to treat their clients' pain or injuries.

Meagan Furgerson
Meagan Furgerson

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