Should You Take a Shower Before or After a Thai Massage?

Taking a shower before or after a Thai massage is an important decision. Learn more about why it's important to avoid taking showers before and after massages and how to safely take one afterwards.

Should You Take a Shower Before or After a Thai Massage?

Taking a shower before or after a massage is a common question. Many people feel that it's normal and healthy to take a shower after a massage, but in fact, it's quite the opposite. Whether you're getting an oil massage, aromatherapy, or reflexology, the answer is not to shower before or after the session. Professional and experienced massage therapists agree that taking a warm shower before the massage is a great idea.

To enjoy the best possible massage, it's important to take care of yourself before setting foot in the spa. It's also safe to ask the massage therapist for advice on how quickly you can take a shower after the session. One of the most confusing things about post-massage care is whether or not to take a shower afterwards. Showering right after getting a massage can do more harm than good, and that leads to the next question.

So, the answers here are to avoid showering and bathing for a few hours before and after a massage, suction cup, or spa session. When you are in the shower or bath, the surface of the skin increases blood circulation, which after a massage can cause superficial congestion. Meanwhile, when you shower, you also increase blood circulation to the surface of the skin. The bottom line is that you can go straight into the shower after a massage session if it's your favorite treatment after the massage, but remember to shower safely. Monitor the temperature of the water and take some time to listen to your body before jumping straight into the shower after a massage. Don't apply lotion or oil.

It's smart, polite, and it's highly recommended that you take a bath just before a massage. Taking a dip after a relaxing massage can help you feel completely clean, but in some cases, stopping showering can help your body get the most out of the massage. Meanwhile, cold can also enter the open pores of the skin if you shower with cold water after a suction session, which isn't good either. If you think about it, a massage and a shower right after each other could provide the double benefit of improving blood flow. This is a simple guide that will help you choose if you prefer a cold or hot shower after a massage.

Meagan Furgerson
Meagan Furgerson

Passionate social media aficionado. Hipster-friendly zombie maven. Friendly music maven. Incurable pop culture fanatic. Professional travel evangelist.