A massage can be a great way to reduce stress and tension, and to improve overall health. Deep tissue massage is an advanced technique that focuses on manipulating the deeper layers of muscles and connective tissue. It helps to break up scar tissue that forms after an injury and to reduce tension in muscles and tissues. The massage releases compounds such as lactic acid and uric acid into the bloodstream, which when excreted from the body, decreases their overall acidity.
It also releases creatine, a natural by-product of muscle use and tension. Research has shown that massage helps lower levels of stress hormones and, at the same time, increases neurotransmitters that “feel good”, such as dopamine, serotonin and endorphins. The physical stimulation created through massage therapy treatments helps to dissolve and eliminate the accumulation of toxins in tissues. These toxins are released into the bloodstream, which then acts to transport them out of the body through excretion. This technique includes manually massaging the area to promote the circulation of these liquids instead of waiting for the process to occur naturally.
Drinking plenty of water after a deep tissue session is recommended to help flush these toxins out of the body. Deep tissue massage has been found to improve muscle function and range of motion, break up scar tissue and adhesions, and reduce pain. It can also help with physical symptoms of stress, such as muscle and shoulder tension and tension headaches. If you have a low pain threshold or are looking to relieve tight muscles, Swedish massage is more gentle and may be a better option. Deep tissue massage is more suitable for people who perform very physical activities, such as running, or for those who have an injury or chronic pain. In response to the popular belief that massage therapy can help release toxins and improve health, it has been argued that the effects of frequent treatments may worsen existing conditions, such as heart disease.
Other strategies, such as the use of Epsom salt baths, can also improve the effects of massage treatment and help reduce muscle tension or pain. When researchers studied whether massage helped remove lactate from the body, they found that, in most cases, it simply didn't happen. In addition, some people believe that massage therapy can cause the spread of cancer throughout the body. Regardless of age and activity levels, regular massage therapy appointments can provide solutions to almost any type of problem and promote good patient health through the process of eliminating harmful toxins. Massage can help lower cortisol levels and increase levels of oxytocin, which is a hormone that relaxes the body and produces calming effects.