What Massage is Best for Stiff Neck?

Neck pain and stiffness affects up to 50% of adults at least once a year. Massage therapy is an effective option for those looking for relief from their neck pain and stiffness. Learn more about what type of massage therapy works best for stiff necks.

What Massage is Best for Stiff Neck?

Neck pain and stiffness is a common issue that affects up to 50% of adults at least once a year. Massage therapy is a popular option for those looking to reduce their neck pain and stiffness. Swedish massage is an excellent choice for those suffering from neck and shoulder pain, as it works to lengthen and relax muscles and tissues. Studies have shown that regular Swedish massage can improve symptoms in patients with neck pain.

Self-massage techniques can also be used to calm and relax tight neck muscles, providing relief from symptoms. It is not uncommon to feel pain after a massage, especially if it was a deep tissue massage or one that required a lot of pressure. While the benefits of massage may be temporary, they can help control painful crises and improve quality of life. More research is needed to determine if neck massage can reduce chronic neck pain and stiffness, and if the results can be maintained.

Some studies have shown that neck massage can alleviate some neck pain and improve range of motion, especially when performed by a trained professional several times a week for several weeks. To experience the soothing effects of a neck massage, it does not need to be strenuous. There are many types of back massagers designed to relieve areas such as the shoulders or lower back. Using your hands is also an effective way to massage your neck, feet or head.

Even when only the neck is symptomatic, massage is usually applied to the neck, shoulders and back as these regions are all connected. Massage therapy generally involves using the hands to manipulate soft tissues such as muscles and tendons, increasing blood circulation, reducing muscle tension and promoting a sense of well-being. Some massage therapists use special oils or other scents for aromatherapy which can improve relaxation or enjoyment. Deep tissue massage generally uses deeper movements and friction to work on the deeper layers of muscles and connective tissues. For people who have chronic neck pain and stiffness, it's common for them to seek massage therapy from a massage therapist, physical therapist or other qualified health professional.

If the massage is uncomfortable or too abrupt, it is recommended to inform the practitioner immediately to reduce the intensity. Rarely, when a massage is applied too forcefully or if there is a pre-existing neck injury, the massage can cause serious complications such as damage to the vertebral arteries and strokes.

Meagan Furgerson
Meagan Furgerson

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