Do you suffer from stiff neck pain? Massage therapy can be an effective way to reduce tension and alleviate pain. It has been proven to improve neck mobility and reduce neck pain in adults. Self-massage techniques can help relax tight neck muscles, while moderate-level massage is more beneficial than a light-touch massage. Massage therapy can help relieve pain by improving circulation and reducing tension headaches.
If you are looking for relief, be sure to book a massage with the Zeel massage app and indicate that you are looking for a massage to treat neck problems. Massage therapy is one of the best alternative medicine methods for treating stiff neck pain. Estimates reveal that 30 to 50% of adults experience neck pain at least once a year. Fortunately, self-massage techniques can help calm and relax tight neck muscles, thus relieving symptoms.
Having someone else massage your neck allows you to relax and can be more beneficial than a light-touch massage. Deep tissue massage, also known as connective tissue massage, is one of the most effective ways to reduce tension in the muscles that may be stiffening the neck. This type of massage has been shown to improve neck mobility and reduce neck pain. One trial showed a noticeable improvement in symptoms in patients with neck pain who received regular Swedish massage.
Massage therapy can help relieve pain by improving circulation, bringing fresh, oxygenated blood to the affected area. It can also help reduce tension headaches due to the build-up of tension in the muscles of the head and neck region. Patients who received Swedish massages were able to reduce their pain medications more than participants who did not receive massages. When the neck muscles are flexible and strong, they can maintain good posture throughout the day and are less likely to spasm and cause neck pain and stiffness.
A stiff neck massage can help break the knots in these muscles so they feel less tense and more relaxed. For those looking for relief from stiff neck pain, it is important to book a massage with a trained professional several times a week for several weeks. If you are going to book a massage with the Zeel massage app, be sure to indicate that you are looking for a massage to treat neck problems. Some massage therapists use special oils or other scents for aromatherapy, which in some cases can improve relaxation or enjoyment. It is important to note that rarely, when a massage is applied too forcefully or if there is a pre-existing neck injury, the massage can cause serious complications, such as damage to the vertebral arteries and strokes.