Who Should Avoid Thai Massage and Why?

Thai massage has many health benefits but there are certain people who should avoid it due to potential risks. Learn who should avoid traditional Thai massage and why.

Who Should Avoid Thai Massage and Why?

If you have high blood pressure or other blood vessel abnormalities, such as varicose veins, Thai massage may not be the best option for you. This is because it can cause your blood to clot, and you may not be aware of it. Despite the many health benefits that are associated with Thai massage, such as reducing stress, increasing energy and improving sports performance, it is important to be aware of the potential risks. After a Thai massage, it is common to feel thirsty and crave healthy food.

It is also important to avoid alcohol after a massage or exercise session. Your body will be more agile after a Thai massage, so it is important to be careful not to overdo it. Contrary to what you may have heard in the media, happy endings are not as common in Thailand as people think, and they are not impossible to avoid if you are looking for a massage. Thai massage also involves energy work, which involves applying pressure to specific points on the body in order to open up channels that will improve the flow of energy throughout the body.

During a traditional Thai massage session, the therapist will start by massaging the feet and then move up the legs using a rhythmic, oscillating motion with their palms and thumbs. Studies have shown that people who receive a Thai massage experience less psychological stress afterwards. If you suffer from migraines or tension headaches, traditional Thai massage can help reduce symptoms. However, those who suffer from fever, circulatory or heart problems, open sores or infections, joint inflammation or bone disease should avoid receiving a Thai massage.

In one study, researchers compared the effects of Thai massage and Swedish massage on fatigued people. They found that after receiving three Thai massages over a 10-day period, soccer players showed an improvement in their ability to do sitting and stretching exercises. This increase in flexibility may be due to the fact that Thai massage can improve blood flow and oxygen supply to muscles. The founder of authentic Thai massage is said to have been a doctor from North India who later became the doctor of the Buddha himself.

The researchers concluded that Thai massage is more effective at reducing stress in healthy people than simply resting. Traditional Thai massage is something I confess I knew little about before visiting Thailand. The training center helps them learn the skill of authentic Thai massage and they work at the center serving tourists.

Meagan Furgerson
Meagan Furgerson

Passionate social media aficionado. Hipster-friendly zombie maven. Friendly music maven. Incurable pop culture fanatic. Professional travel evangelist.