Therapeutic massage techniques and full body massage are highly effective in relieving muscle tension and promoting relaxation, as well as increasing blood circulation. This is especially beneficial for those recovering from injury or surgery. A full body massage can also be good for the heart, as it increases venous return and blood flow to all organs. The entire cardiovascular system relaxes and circulation throughout the body improves.
Additionally, activating the “rest and digestion” mode of the parasympathetic nervous system helps regulate blood pressure and heart rate. According to Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals, a full body massage can also relieve body pain and stiffness. Endorphins released during the massage act as natural pain relievers, while tired, overused, or sore muscles can relax and soften. Massage can also help relieve migraine pain.
For athletes, a massage can help relieve sore muscles after intense training or benefit a sports injury. The therapist may incorporate stretching movements and range of motion into the massage, which mobilizes joints and exerts beneficial tension on muscles, ligaments and tendons. One of the most immediate benefits of a full body massage is deep relaxation and relief from body aches. Stress is also reduced as your body goes into full activation mode during the massage.
As you relax more at the beginning of the massage and your breathing deepens and stabilizes, the massage therapist can exercise tense muscles to reduce tension in the muscles that help you breathe. Unrestricted breathing is one of the quickest ways to reduce stress, and your first breath on the massage table can turn into a sigh of relief. The duration of the massage and the caliber of the spa will affect the price of a full body massage. Some specific forms of massage therapy, such as those for athletes, may include gluteus maximus work, but it is more sports-specific. The therapist may play music during the massage or talk to you, but you can tell them if you prefer to speak in silence.
Before starting the full body massage, they may ask you to breathe deeply and in a relaxing way. Beyond the benefits for specific conditions or illnesses, some people enjoy massage because it often produces feelings of affection, comfort and connection. Whether you choose a homemade deep-tissue massage gun, hot stones, or even an easy-to-use homemade massage gun, your mind and body can take advantage of the benefits of taking time out of your day or week to prioritize and enjoy a massage.