Massage therapy is one of the best alternative medicine methods for treating stiff neck. It focuses mainly on long and constant strokes, which are usually performed in the direction of blood flow to the heart. Kneading and friction movements can also be included. Massage has been shown to improve neck mobility and reduce neck pain.
A simple Swedish massage can provide some relief and help loosen your neck so you can move your head painlessly. The goal of Swedish massage is relaxation, so this massage can help you if you feel that you are under a lot of stress. Many people maintain tension in the neck, making it one of the first parts of the body to cause problems when you start to get stressed. There are several types of massages that are often used for back or neck pain. Swedish massage is the most common type of massage in the United States.
Also known simply as massage therapy, Swedish massage involves the use of long, gentle movements with oil or lotion. People who have never had a massage usually start with Swedish massage. Below, Juan Gonzalez, massage therapist and head massage coach at Massage Envy in Riverside, California, shares five ways to ease neck pain. One trial showed a noticeable improvement in symptoms in patients with neck pain who received regular Swedish massage. If you have any injuries, such as car accidents or sports injuries, remember to check with your doctor before participating in an assisted stretching session or any other massage treatment.
The massage therapist can help you locate the source of the pain so you can find relief, whether it's coming from the neck or the shoulder. It is a very relaxing type of massage that also helps combat stress and anxiety, which is often what causes neck pain at first. With deeper pressure and concentrated kneading, the massage therapist will resolve chronic tension in muscle tissue and improve circulation in those specific areas. Using your hands is a great way to massage your neck, feet or head. Some common techniques include acupressure (shiatsu), deep tissue massage, neuromuscular therapy, sports massage, Swedish massage, myofascial release, and craniosacral therapy.
If your neck pain is more than just stress or an inability to relax, you may get more benefits from deep tissue massage. There is some evidence that massage can relieve pain in the short term, although larger-scale clinical trial testing is needed. This type of massage is used for chronically tight or painful muscles, postural problems, and repetitive efforts. Feeling pain after a massage is quite common, especially if you've had a deep tissue massage or another type that requires a lot of pressure. This is because when you give yourself a massage, you need to activate some muscles while you try to relax other muscles. Massage therapy can be an excellent option for relieving that inflammation and therefore reducing nerve pain and pressure.
If neck pain is something you experience regularly, González recommends getting a Swedish massage every two to three weeks to help reduce pain and increase circulation. So how can you make your crazed muscles cool down? Pressing on muscle knots, called self-massage with activation points, is a good starting point, Dr.