Massage therapy is an ancient practice that has been used for centuries to treat pain and stress. It is a great way to relax and prepare your body for exercise, as well as to help with recovery after a workout. A study published in the Journal of Athletic Training found that a massage soon after exercise can reduce late-onset muscle pain (DOM) by 30%. Massage therapists are trained professionals who can help you get the most out of your workout.
Before exercising, a recovery massage therapist usually uses a faster-paced massage style to increase blood circulation in the muscles, helping to prepare you for exercise. A study published in the Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness found that the psychological benefits of a pre-workout massage, including reducing stress, tension and anxiety, leave you relaxed and focused to get the most out of your training. If you choose to have a massage before going to the gym, it's best to wait until after your workout. Massages involve applying pressure to the muscles, so it's almost like a gentle way of exercising.
If you've just completed an important event, such as a marathon, receiving a soft tissue massage right after or the next day can help reduce muscle pain and facilitate a faster recovery. Your muscles will be softer and looser after the massage and you'll be more likely to be injured, so it's best to let your body recover and settle after the massage. However, there are different benefits and treatment styles depending on whether you get a massage before or after exercise. A therapeutic massage is any massage designed to address a specific problem, such as muscle pain and pain caused by exercise or a repetitive stress injury.
The technique dates back to ancient Chinese and Egyptian cultures as early as 2700 BC. C. And legend has it that Julius Caesar was quite fond of occasional massages. We now have new hydrosports massage chairs available at PureGym London Hammersmith and Leeds City Centre North so you can train and relax like a pro. In conclusion, getting a massage has great benefits both before and after a workout, just make sure you get the right type of massage to set your body up for success.
Remember that massage therapists are trained professionals and that undressing can lead to a better date. In addition, with concentrated massage, sometimes an hour can only cover the lower part of the body, for example, and every time you enter there is another specific area that you need to focus on.